Wishing you a healthy, happy, restful holiday season from our work whānau to your whānau!!
We will be closing for the end-of-year break at 12 noon on Friday 22nd December 2023 and re-opening at 8am on 8th January 2024.
During this period, the Ascot A&M and Lunn Ave A&M are our nearest facilities for urgent care.
You may also access our virtual locum service for urgent video consults, CareHQ. There will be a charge for all these services.
MEDICAL ADVICE OVER THE BREAK: The doctors will be on a daily roster and will be monitoring the reception@ellersliemedical.co.nz email address, twice a day, morning and evening. This can also be accessed through our contact form . The duty doctor will call you and discuss management of your condition, or email you, as appropriate. There will be a charge for this service, which will vary from a prescription charge for a simple prescription request that does not need a phone call, to a full consultation charge if the doctor has to call you to assess the situation more accurately. This email service should not be used for very urgent and life threatening matters as it is only monitored twice a day. Please call 111 or attend the A&Ms in such a situation.
REPEAT SCRIPTS IF YOU ARE ENROLLED ON OUR PORTAL: The portal will be operational during the break for regular script repeats, if the doctor assesses the request to be appropriate and safe. There is the usual prescription charge for this service.
REPEAT SCRIPTS IF YOU ARE NOT ENROLLED ON OUR PORTAL: Please use the contact form for requests.There is the usual prescription charge for this service.
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